Careers guidance and mobility in Switzerland

Educational system, methods and tools of vocational, university and careers guidance in Switzerland.

Education and guidance system in Switzerland

With one of the highest percentages of foreign nationals in the world (accounting for around a quarter of the population, according to the Swiss Federal Statistical Office), Switzerland welcomes numerous students, workers and employees from abroad every year, especially from EU/EFTA member states.

Below are some resources that may be of help to guidance specialists advising people interested in training or working in Switzerland, such as essential information on the Swiss education system and related statistics and news.

Swiss education system

The Swiss education system is very well-structured and offers numerous academic and vocational pathways, as well as a certain permeability. A chart showing the system and educational opportunities can be found on the portal:



The EDK (Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education) is responsible for coordinating education and cultural policy at a national level. Its website summarises everything you need to know about the school and education system in Switzerland:


  • The Swiss conference of heads of vocational, study and careers guidance, KBSB/CDOPU (in French and German) publishes annual statistics, as well as informative documents on the ethics, quality and principles of guidance services in Switzerland.
  • The bi-monthly Panorama newsletter (in German, French and Italian) keeps you up to date with news from the world of guidance, education and the job market.

Orientation methods and tools in Switzerland / / is Switzerland's official information portal for vocational, university and career guidance. It is managed by the SDBB|CSFO, the Swiss centre for vocational education and guidance services. On behalf of the cantons it provides useful information and advice on a wide range of topics related to work and education.

Print media

On behalf of the cantons, the SDBB/CSFO produces material for guidance specialists, which can be purchased on the online shop:

Online testing

SDBB/CSFO has developed the guidance and diagnostic portal, providing tools and content for guidance specialists. The online testing platform used by the cantonal vocational, university and careers guidance offices in Switzerland, can be accessed at

General questions on life in Switzerland

Swiss authorities have created the website to answer all questions about life in Switzerland. It covers everything you need to know about the political system and job market, compulsory and voluntary insurance, living in Switzerland, working in Switzerland as a foreigner, labour law, etc.
